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When you sweat a lot, you may want to wear a singlet at work. Also known as an A shirt or a sleeveless shirt, singlets are more than just an undershirt. You can wear them at your job site to prevent soaking up sweat.
Singlets are quite versatile since you can also wear them with your formal shirt. They can help save your dress shirt, so its fine materials will not get damaged over time.
An undershirt is a much better option for some men who do not want to wear a short-sleeved shirt. Even during strict occasions, a rigid front shirt can cause discomfort under a black tie. To prevent this problem, you can wear this undershirt.
Singlets are also a favourite piece of clothing of those working out. Whether you are at the gym or home doing your exercises, wearing a singlet can help you feel more comfortable even as you move around.